038: Job Creation is Holy Work (Brian D. McLaren)

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“When you study poverty, you realize unemployment is the root of all evil.” That’s Brian D. McLaren: author, speaker, activist, theologian, and guest on today’s Social Leader podcast. He reflects on how his eyes were opened while getting a tour through the slums of El Salvador. “Wherever you have high unemployment you have domestic violence, you have drug abuse… petty crimes, organized crime, gangs… To be able to provide people with good jobs is holy work, it’s great work, it’s important work.”

In this far-ranging and story-rich conversation, Brian D. McLaren and Fr. Justin Mathews uncover several ways that business owners can enrich their work life with purpose and can become more just, joyful, generous, and regenerative as leaders.

Brian is the author of more than a dozen books, the most recent entitled “Faith After Doubt: Why your beliefs stopped working and what to do about it.” He has appeared on All Things Considered, Larry King Live, and the On Being podcast, and is a faculty member at the Center for Action and Contemplation. In his new podcast, “Learning How to See,” Brian unpacks thirteen types of bias that limit our ability to comprehend reality fully with public theologians Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis Ph.D. and Richard Rohr.

Learn more and keep up with Brian at his website: BrianMcLaren.net.

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039: Solve Community Problems Without Leaving Your Job


037: “I care. Now what?”