Inspired by MLK

As we reflect on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today - we celebrate the strength and influence that was displayed during a time where challenges seemed to be insurmountable. It is this same determination and commitment to social and economic reconciliation that pushes the mission and priorities of Reconciliation Services every day.  When we walk deeper with our neighbors to offer food, housing stability services, mental health support, and other essential social services, we live out our values of COMMUNITY, DIGNITY, and ADVOCACY - supporting both RS’ core beliefs and echoing Dr. King’s legacy as well.

“As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally
rich even if he has a billion dollars.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Poverty continues to have a strong grip on so many of our neighbors, with divisions between the wealthy and the poor deepening this past year due to unprecedented economic hardship and need. As Kansas Citians worked to survive another year of a debilitating pandemic, RS saw more and more clients in need of housing and security.

Our response this last year, and always, is to listen to the needs of those around us and to advocate for and work alongside our neighbors through our community-based services. RS, with the compassionate support of volunteers, donors, and neighbors like you, was able to help level the playing field and offer more than $1.2 million dollars in direct client assistance to the KC Metro area in 2021.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King recognized that there is a great injustice in the world when we treat our fellow man with less dignity and justice than they inherently deserve. We see each person that comes to RS as worthy of profound DIGNITY. It’s where we start the conversation with our neighbors and the foundation on which we build relationships with each person. In 2021, we assisted 1,300 families with keeping the lights on and roofs over their heads. 1,100 of our neighbors were able to get birth certificates and IDs, affording the same dignity that many of us take for granted and simply expect in our everyday lives.

It is this same character and moral compass that inspires us to feed our neighbors. Our goal to decrease food insecurity in the community was supported by Thelma’s Kitchen - where RS provided more than 38,000 meals to the community in 2021 alone, and 4,000 tokens for people to get meals when they needed it. This may seem like basic need fulfillment – shelter, food, identification – but it is a dignity that many members of our community have been denied.

Dr. King’s tenacity and drive to advocate for his neighbors, to fight against injustice, and to lead the charge towards equality will never cease to be an inspiration to us here at RS. We are grateful for and inspired by our volunteers, donors, partners and neighbors who work daily to promote Dignity, Community, and Advocacy and continue to carry the torch of those who came before us, like Dr. King.

Join RS in this work to level the playing field for our neighbors who have long been under-resourced. Explore our volunteer opportunities or connect with us today!


Volunteer Spotlight - Becky Chamberlain


“The first obstacle: believing in himself.”