Revealing Strength


“Making a place and a time for each other.”

At Reconciliation Services we value even the simplest of interactions with those who come through our doors. The impact of a kind word, a smile, a moment of listening, a warm welcome can leave a profound impression on someone. That is why love of neighbor and building relationships is at the core of our work. This is where it all begins.

In 2018, we were able walk with 4,200+ people who came to us for Social and Mental Health Services or participated in our Foster Grandparents Program! In addition to that, we met and are getting to know hundreds more at Thelma’s Kitchen, our new Donate-What-You-Can community cafe.

When you give — your time, your talent, your treasure — you are helping build a stronger Kansas City. You helped RS assist thousands of our neighbors in increasing their personal well-being, advocating for their families, and revealing their hidden strength!

Here is some of what you helped RS make possible in 2018:

  • 1,500+ IDs and documents provided

  • $141,000+ in housing & utilities assistance

  • 140 clients received 1,400 hours of therapy and intensive case management

  • 92 low income seniors volunteered 80,000 hours mentoring 230+ children

  • 516 people received $128,864 in medical & dental assistance and supplies

  • 1,300+ hours of case management provided

  • 25 volunteers serving DAILY in Thelma’s Kitchen

  • 500 lunches served weekly in Thelma’s Kitchen


Click here for more stories that reveal the strengths of those we serve. Or take a moment to give to our cause and enable more stories like this to be told.